Difference between revisions of "EasyStoreMaker"

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(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 55: Line 55:
*The Introduction Message will be displayed on your storefront's main page  
*The Introduction Message will be displayed on your storefront's main page  
*The Thank You Message is displayed whenever a customer successfully places an order at your store. You can also include the thank you message in any email confirmations the store sends to customers by selecting the "yes" radio button directly beneath the Thank You message text area.  
*The Thank You Message is displayed whenever a customer successfully places an order at your store. You can also include the Thank You Message in any email confirmations the store sends to customers by selecting the "yes" radio button directly beneath the Thank You Message text area.
*The Maintenance Message will be displayed when an order cannot be completed for some reason.  
*The Download File Message is displayed to customers who purchase a downloadable product from your store.  
*The Download File Message is displayed to customers who purchase a downloadable product from your store.  
*The Disclaimer Notice and Privacy Statement text areas are disabled by default. If you wish to have links at the bottom of your store's pages which will display a Disclaimer Notice and/or Privacy Statement, check the box beside the applicable message areas and enter your text.
*The Disclaimer Notice and Privacy Statement text areas are disabled by default. If you wish to have links at the bottom of your store's pages which will display a Disclaimer Notice and/or Privacy Statement, check the box beside the applicable message areas and enter your text.
Line 61: Line 62:
When you are finished, click "next".  
When you are finished, click "next".  
== Store setting details  ==
== Store setting details  ==
Line 71: Line 72:
*Product Sorting and Grouping allows you to specify in what order your catalog items will be displayed. To use product sorting and product grouping, place checkmarks beside "Apply sort" and/or "Apply product".
*Product Sorting and Grouping allows you to specify in what order your catalog items will be displayed. To use product sorting and product grouping, place checkmarks beside "Apply sort" and/or "Apply product".
When you are finished, click "next".  
1.When creating a new product, you have the choice of using a custom SKU number or an automatically generated SKU (Stock Keeping Unit: a serial number that identifies this specific product) number. Please choose the corresponding radio button: Custom or automatic.
2.Choose a unit weight of your product by clicking on the corresponding radio button: lbs, kg, oz or g.
3.Sort your products as explained below under “Sort Products”.
4.Group your products as explained below under “Group Products”.
5.Click “Next” to proceed to the next step
6.Click “Previous” to go back to the previous step.
== Order configuration details  ==
== Order configuration details  ==
Line 487: Line 499:
*On the right, some templates will require you to indicate the size of your product images and thumbnails. This information will be used to ensure that your product images will not appear distorted or stretched.
*On the right, some templates will require you to indicate the size of your product images and thumbnails. This information will be used to ensure that your product images will not appear distorted or stretched.
Click "Next" we you are finished.  
Click "Next" when you are finished.  
== Store languages  ==
== Store languages  ==
Line 535: Line 547:
== SSL details  ==
== SSL details  ==
This section displays the details of your SSL (https://) address. It will be automatically used when customers place orders through your store.  
This section displays the details of your SSL address. It will be automatically used when customers place orders through your store.  
== Catalogs  ==
== Catalogs  ==

Latest revision as of 13:58, 12 April 2013


EasyStoreMaker Pro is a world-class online ecommerce tool that allows you to create a dynamic storefront and profitable online business. With the assistance of EasyStoreMaker Pro’s tools and setup wizards, you can easily incorporate a variety of payment gateways, product catalogues, international currencies, local tax calculations, shipping and handling calculations, language conversions, and auto messaging.

Expand your footprint and be available to your customers and prospects 24/7 by using EasyStoreMaker Pro today.

Using the main menu

The main menu provides you with an easy way to access the various sections of ESM Pro's interfaces.

  • The Configuration Wizard guides you through the initial set-up process. You can also use the wizard to change your existing settings.
  • Store Configuration allows you to access specific parts of the store's configuration interface. This option can be used to manually set up your store, or jump directly to a portion of the configuration interface to make settings changes.
  • The Add Product Wizard is a convenient quick link to add products to your store, taking you directly to the Product configuration menu.
  • Order Management takes you to the order processing interface, where you can view orders which are awaiting shipment.
  • View Store opens a new window which displays your store in its current state.

If you would rather go directly to the Store Configuration interface when you run ESM Pro, place a checkmark beside "Do not show me this again. Go directly to my home page on next startup" (located at the bottom of the screen).

  • If you have done this and want to see this page again, click the "getting started" link at the top of the screen.

Configuration Wizard

Contact details

In this first step, enter all contact information for your store. This information will be used by visitors to your website who wish to contact the store owner.

In order for the store to function correctly, you must enter your Country and State or Province where you physically operate your store from.

You can hide your mailing address from the storefront by enabling "Hide address/phone in footer".

When you have finished filling in your contact information, click "Next".

Store details

In this section, you can provide a name for your store and upload or link to a store logo.

  • To upload an image from your computer, click the "browse..." button. Use the window that opens to locate the image on your computer and click "ok". Click the "upload" button to upload the image to your store.
  • To link to an image which has already been uploaded or is on a website, enter the URL in the "image path" text box.

When you are finished, click "Next".

Message details

This section deals with customizable messages which are displayed to customers in specific situations. You can at your discretion fill them in or leave them blank; your store will still function properly.

  • The Introduction Message will be displayed on your storefront's main page
  • The Thank You Message is displayed whenever a customer successfully places an order at your store. You can also include the Thank You Message in any email confirmations the store sends to customers by selecting the "yes" radio button directly beneath the Thank You Message text area.
  • The Maintenance Message will be displayed when an order cannot be completed for some reason.
  • The Download File Message is displayed to customers who purchase a downloadable product from your store.
  • The Disclaimer Notice and Privacy Statement text areas are disabled by default. If you wish to have links at the bottom of your store's pages which will display a Disclaimer Notice and/or Privacy Statement, check the box beside the applicable message areas and enter your text.

When you are finished, click "next".

Store setting details

In this section, you can indicate the following:

  • Manual or Automatic SKU generation.
  • Unit of measurement for Product Weight (if specified in your product information)
  • Product Sorting and Grouping allows you to specify in what order your catalog items will be displayed. To use product sorting and product grouping, place checkmarks beside "Apply sort" and/or "Apply product".

1.When creating a new product, you have the choice of using a custom SKU number or an automatically generated SKU (Stock Keeping Unit: a serial number that identifies this specific product) number. Please choose the corresponding radio button: Custom or automatic.

2.Choose a unit weight of your product by clicking on the corresponding radio button: lbs, kg, oz or g.

3.Sort your products as explained below under “Sort Products”.

4.Group your products as explained below under “Group Products”.

5.Click “Next” to proceed to the next step

6.Click “Previous” to go back to the previous step.

Order configuration details

This step allows you to set up log in information for your order processing interface. The order processing interface allows you to view filled and unfilled orders; it is accessed from a separate URL and requires a login.

  • The login URL and username is displayed at the top of this section.
  • Select a password for your login using the Password and Confirm Password text boxes.
  • If you would like to receive Email Notifications when orders have been made through your store, select "enable" and provide an email address where the notifications will be sent to. Sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, will not be transmitted by email.
  • Select the Language that you would like your order processing interface to use. This setting is separate from whatever language has been set for your storefront.

When you are finished, click "next".

Payment type details

In this section, you can indicate what payment methods your store will accept.

  • Place checkmarks beside the various payment methods you would like to accept.
  • For money orders and C.O.D., you should fill out the applicable Instructions section. This is where you explain to customers who they should (for example) make out their money orders to, mailing address and other important details necessary to complete payment.

Please note that credit cards can only be processed automatically by your store if you set up a merchant account and payment gateway. You will have an opportunity to configure your gateway in the “Payment Gateways” section.

When you are finished, click "next".

Currency details

The Currency Details section allows you to indicate which currency you would like to use in your store. To enable a currency, click on the enable/disable icon to the right of the currency you would like to enable.

If you do not want to display the currency's symbol, remove the checkmark beside "Include the currency symbol on all store pages".

Click "next" when you are finished.

Shipping methods

This section deals with various shipping methods which customers can select. There are 3 main categories:

  • Regional
  • National
  • International

Each category can have subcategories, such as standard delivery, overnight, etc. By default only one shipping method is provided per category.

  • You can configure a shipping method by clicking on the inspection icon (magnifying glass) beside the method, and then entering appropriate information in the section to the right. Click "apply" when you are finished.
  • You can create a new shipping method under a specific shipping category by clicking the "+" symbol beside the applicable category. Next, fill in all applicable information on the right and click "apply".
  • The Instructions text area can be used to indicate the specifics of the shipping method, e.g. "Delivery by regular mail, allow one week for delivery".

When you are finished, click "next".


In this step, you can select a template for your store. Store templates affect the color scheme, graphics and specific layout of your store.

  • You can search through the templates by category, by using the drop-down list above the template thumbnails on the left.
  • To select a template, scroll through the list provided and click on the template of your choice. When selected, your template will be marked with a blue checkmark.
  • On the right, some templates will require you to indicate the size of your product images and thumbnails. This information will be used to ensure that your product images will not appear distorted or stretched.

Click "Next" when you are finished.

Configuration completed

Your configuration is now complete.

  • Your store has now been configured for use.
  • If this is your first time running the wizard, you will still need to add products to your store for sale; if you wish to automate the process of charging credit cards, you will also need to configure a merchant account (found under the "store configuration" section)
  • You can click the link provided in the centre of the screen to begin adding products.
  • If you wish to add products at a later date, click "finish".

Store Management

Product management

A list of all products are displayed in the Product Management section. Using the drop-down lists provided, you can display products found in specific catalogs, and sort the order of their display by product name or SKU number.

  • To add a new product, click the Add button (+) located at the top of the list.
  • When adding a new product, several sections appear below the list.
  • Under Product details, fill in all essential information, such as name, description, SKU number, and Price. You can also set the weight, sale price (click checkmark to apply sale price) and maximum quantity per order.
  • The Product Prompt section allows you to fill in additional options for your item, such as size or color. To add a prompt, click on the inspection tool beside the first prompt (or second prompt if you have already added one), and fill in the applicable options (e.g. small,medium,large). Click "update" to apply your prompt settings.
  • The Product Images section allows you to specify images of your product, which will be displayed in your store. You can have multiple images set up for a single product.
  • The Product discount section can be used to set up a discount on your item when a certain quantity of your product has been ordered. Examples: $5.00 off when 3 or more items are purchased; 30% off when more than 10 items are purchased.
  • You can track your Product stock level by filling in the current stock level in the section provided.
  • You can indicate which catalogs you would like this item to be placed in using the Assign to catalogs section. On the left is a list of all available catalogs.

Click "apply" to add your product.

Product import

In this section, you can upload a CSV file which contains data for all of your products.

  • In order to fill in the CSV file correctly, use the link provided in this section to download a CSV template, which also contains sample products. You can open and edit CSV files in most spreadsheet programs, such as OpenOffice Calc and Microsoft Excel.
  • To upload your CSV file, click the "browse" button and use the window that opens to locate your CSV file on your computer. Click "upload" to upload your CSV file.

CSV file format

The first row of your CSV file should be a "header row". This row is used as a placeholder, so you can see what kind of information should be located in each column. As EasyStoreMaker is expacting your CSV file to have a header row, it should be present. If it is not, then the first product in your CSV file will be skipped, as it will be in the location that the header row belonged in.

The header row should contain the following headings, in the order listed (explanations follow): <script language="JavaScript"><!-- if ((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)) document.write("</table><table x-use-null-cells cellspacing='0' width='100%' border='1' bordercolor='black' bordercolorlight='black' bordercolordark='black'>"); //--></script>




This is where you enter the SKU number of your product. SKU numbers may be a combination of numbers (0-9), dashes (-), or underscores(_), up to a maximum of 25 characters.

Note: If you have set your store to automatically generate SKU numbers, then this field should be left blank.


This is the name of your product. This field cannot be left blank.


This field should contain a detailed description of your product. This field can be left blank.


This is the regular price of your product, before any sales, discounts, or taxes are applied.


Item types are: download, donation, physical and monetary.


These are the catalogs you would like the item to be displayed in. Catalog numbers should be used, separated by semicolons. The catalog number associated with any catalog you have created can be found in your Catalog List in Catalogs section.


Indicates if the product is on sale. Allowed values for this field are yes and no. If "yes", then productsaleprice must contain a value.


If your product is on sale, enter the sale price, without currency symbols. (e.g. 1.99 and not $1.99 or 1.99£)


Indicate if you wish to mark this product as sold out, backordered, discontinued, new, or on sale. Allowed values in this field are yes, no, or blank (same as no). If yes, then productmarkas must contain a value.


If applymarkas is set to yes, then this field must contain one of the following values: onsale, soldout, backordered, new or discontinued.


The weight of your product. Do not include the unit of measurement (e.g. 1.25 and not 1.25lb or 1.25kg)


Indicates the maximum quantity per order, if applicable.


Indicates if the product should be hidden from customers. Applicable values are yes and no.


Indicates if the product should be hidden from the main storefront page. Applicable values are yes and no.


Enter the URL for a thumbnail image of the product. This field can be left blank.


Enter the URL for the full-size image of the product. This field can be left blank.


If the product is downloadable (itemtype is set to download), then you must enter the name of the file. All files must be located in the /esmdownload directory of your domain.


Indicate if a discount can be applied to this product. Accepted values are yes and no. You can also leave the field blank to indicate no.


If applydiscount  is set to yes, indicate the quantity of the product which must be exceeded before a discount is applied. E.g., to apply a discount when 5 or more units are ordered at a time, orderexceeding should be set to 4.


If applydiscount is set to yes, then indicate the quantity of the discount which should be received.


If applydiscount is set to yes, then indicate if the amount entered in discountreceive indicates a flat rate or a percentage. Accepted values are flatrate and percent.


This is the message which is displayed to customers when a discount is applied. This field is optional.


This is the message which is displayed to advertise the discount. If you would like to add extra line breaks to your message, use the <BR> tag.


Indicates if you wish to track the stock for this product. Acceptable values are yes and no.


Indicates the level at which a low stock warning should be emailed to the store owner.


Indicates the current stock available for the product.


To disable taxes for this product, set this field to yes. Otherwise, enter no or leave blank.


Indicates if a product prompt is needed for this item. Acceptable values are yes, no, or blank (same as no).


If applyprompt1 is set to yes, then indicate what the user must select. (e.g. "What color would you like?")


Enter the options available for prompttask1, separated by semicolons (e.g. red;green;blue;yellow;black).


Indicates if a second product prompt is needed for this item. Acceptable values are yes, no, or blank (same as no). Cannot be set to yes unless applyprompt1 is also set to yes.


If applyprompt2 is set to yes, then indicate what the user must select. (e.g. "What size do you want")?


Enter the options available for prompttask2, separated by semicolons (e.g. small;medium;large;extra large).

Product export

You can export your current product list as a downloadable CSV file. To export your products, click the "Export" button.

Contact details

In this section, enter all contact information for your store. This information will be used by visitors who wish to contact the store owner.

  • In order for the store to function correctly, you must enter your Country and State or Province where you physically operate your store from.
  • You can hide your mailing address from the storefront by enabling "Hide address/phone in footer".

Click "apply" to save your changes.

Store details

In this section, you can provide a name for your store and upload or link to a store logo.

  • To upload an image from your computer, click the "browse..." button. Use the window that opens to locate the image on your computer and click "ok". Click the "upload" button to upload the image to your store.
  • To link to an image which has already been uploaded or is on a website, enter the URL in the "image path" text box.

Click "apply" to save your changes.


You can select a template for your store. Store templates affect the color scheme, graphics and specific layout.

  • You can search through the templates by category, by using the drop-down list above the template thumbnails on the left.
  • To select a template, scroll through the list provided and click on the template of your choice. When selected, your template will be marked with a blue checkmark.
  • On the right, some templates will require you to indicate the size of your product images and thumbnails. This information will be used to ensure that your product images will not appear distorted or stretched.

Click "Next" when you are finished.

Store languages

You can indicate which languages you would like your storefront to be available in. On the left is a list of all available languages. Use the dropdown list at the bottom-right to select a default language.

  • To make a language available, click on the green arrow to the left of the language you want to enable. The language will be moved to the "Enabled Languages" list.
  • Disable a language by clicking on the green arrow beside the enabled language. The language will be moved back to the list on the left, which displays all unassigned languages.

Click "apply" to save your changes.

Order configuration

You to set up login information for your order processing interface. The order processing interface allows you to view filled and unfilled orders; it is accessed from a separate URL and requires a login.

  • The login URL and username is displayed at the top of this section.
  • Select a password for your login using the Password and Confirm Password text boxes.
  • If you would like to receive Email Notifications when orders have been made through your store, select "enable" and provide an email address where the notifications will be sent to. Sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, will not be transmitted by email.
  • Select the Language that you would like your order processing interface to use. This setting is separate from whatever language has been set for your storefront.

When you are finished, click "Apply".

Store settings

In this section, you can indicate the following:

  • Manual or Automatic SKU generation.
  • Unit of measurement for Product Weight (if specified in your product information)
  • Product Sorting and Grouping allows you to specify in what order your catalog items will be displayed. To use product sorting and product grouping, place checkmarks beside "Apply sort" and/or "Apply product".

When you are finished, click "apply".

SSL details

This section displays the details of your SSL address. It will be automatically used when customers place orders through your store.


In this section you can create the catalogs you would like to use in your store, e.g. Sporting Goods, Women's Apparel, Electronics, etc.

  • To edit a catalog, click on the inspection icon beside the catalog you want to edit. You can edit your catalog information to the right. Click "apply" to save your changes.
  • To add a catalog, click the Add (+) button at the top of the catalog list. Enter in all applicable information in the fields to the right, and click "apply" to save your settings.


Payment types

In this section, you can indicate what payment methods your store will accept.

  • Place checkmarks beside the various payment methods you would like to accept.
  • For money orders and C.O.D., you should fill out the applicable Instructions section. This is where you explain to customers who they should (for example) make out their money orders to, mailing address and other important details necessary to complete payment.

Please note that credit cards can only be processed automatically by your store if you set up a merchant account and payment gateway. You will have an opportunity to configure your gateway in the "Payment Gateways" section.

When you are finished, click "apply".


You can indicate which currency you would like to use in your store. To enable a currency, click on the circle to the right of the currency you would like to enable.

  • If you do not want to display the currency's symbol, remove the checkmark beside "Include the currency symbol on all store pages".

Click "Apply" when you are finished.

Payment gateways

This section allows you to set up a payment gateway. Payment gateways are used to automatically process orders paid by credit card.

  • To use a payment gateway, you must have already set up a merchant account with a compatible gateway provider that you would like to use. Visit the payment gateway provider's main website to set up a merchant account if you have not already done so.
  • To configure a payment gateway, select the gateway you would like to use from the list by clicking on the inspection icon. Fill in your merchant account information on the right (required information will vary by gateway provider).
  • Please note that the currency used in your store must match the billing currency which will be used by your merchant provider.
  • You must also set the gateway's status to "enable", either by selecting the "enable" radio button in the gateway details on the right, or by clicking on the circle beside the gateway you want to enable in the gateway list. A green circle indicates enabled; a gray circle indicates the gateway is disabled.
  • You can have more than one payment gateway configured, but only one may be enabled at a time.

Click "apply" to save your settings when you are finished configuring your payment gateway.

Authorize.net configuration requirements

If you have obtained an Authorize.net merchant account, you need to make some settings changes to your Authorize.net account to ensure it will work with EasyStoreMaker PRO.

  1. Login to your Authorize.net account, at  https://secure.authorize.net/
  2. Click the "Settings" link, located midway down the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Click on the "Virtual Terminal" link on the right-hand side of the page. Do not click on the link with the same name in the top-left corner of the page.
  4. Check all of your field names. Look for any field names which have  a checkmark beside them in the "required" category. If you find any, remove the checkmark. When you are finished, click "Submit".
  5. Click on the "Settings Main Menu" link. On the page that loads, scroll down and click on the "Address Verification System (AVS)" link, located under the "Security" section.
  6. Go back to the Settings menu. Scroll down and look for the SECURITY section, then Address Verification System (AVS)
  7. Make sure all checkboxes are empty. Click "Submit" when you are done.
  8. Go back to the "Settings" menu.
  9. Click on "Payment Forms", then "Form Fields".
  10. Make sure all of the "Required" fields are unchecked. If you had to uncheck any boxes, save your settings.
  11. Go back to the "Settings" menu, click on "Response Receipts".
  12. Make sure the list is empty. Delete any list entries of they exist. Save any changes you have made.

Your Authorize.net merchant account has now been properly configured to work with EasyStoreMaker PRO.

Please note: Only standard Authorize.net accounts will work with EasyStoreMaker Pro; Authorize.net Secure accounts will not work.

Store discount

If you wish, you can use this section to set up a global discount scheme for your store. For example:

  • Orders exceeding $50 receive a 10% discount.
  • Orders exceeding 5 items receive free shipping.

Click "apply" to save your settings.

Shipping methods

This section deals with various shipping methods which customers can select. There are 3 main categories:

  • Regional
  • National
  • International

Each category can have subcategories, such as standard delivery, overnight, and so on. By default only one shipping method is provided per category.

  • You can configure a shipping method by clicking on the inspection icon (magnifying glass) beside the method, and then entering in appropriate information in the section to the right. Click "apply" when you are finished.
  • You can create a new shipping method under a specific shipping category by clicking the "+" symbol beside the applicable category. Next, fill in all applicable information on the right and click "apply".
  • The Instructions text area can be used to indicate the specifics of the shipping method, e.g. "Delivery by regular mail, allow one week for delivery".

When you are finished, click "apply".

Tax zones

The Tax Zones interface is used to determine when a particular tax should be applied. To add a tax to a specified zone, click on the inspection tool beside the region you want to apply taxes to (for example, to apply a federal tax, add it to your country zone, e.g. "Canada").

  • Use the drop-down menus to select a tax from the list you created in the "Tax Rates" section.
  • You can also indicate if this tax is compounded or added to taxes which may apply to sub-regions.
  • Click "apply" to save your tax settings for that zone.

You can add other countries or zones within a country by clicking on the applicable "add" button. Enter your tax information on the right and click "apply" to save the tax settings for the new region.

Tax summary

The Tax summary section lists all tax rules which you have set up using the Tax Rates and Tax Zones interfaces. This list is provided to provide you an overview and spot any potential issues.


This section will display a list of customers who have registered at your store. Registered customers can save their personal details (shipping address, credit card number, etc.), which speeds up the process of placing orders through your store.

  • You can view registered customers' contact information on the right by selecting a customer from the list on the left.

Store status

This section displays useful statistics concerning your store, such as the number of products displayed for sale, number of orders waiting to be processed and number of registered customers.