Search Engine Optimization

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The Search Engine Optimization Tool automatically creates and inserts meta tags into your site pages in order to better position them for keyword searches in search engines. With this tool you can optimize your web pages title, description and keywords.

Choose title

The title of your web page is displayed at the top of the web browser. It is very important because it is greatly favored by the search engines, so choosing its value properly is crucial for your SEO campaign.

Enter a title in the textbox provided.

Note: It is recommended that your title is between 60 and 80 characters long.Your Title is 0% relevant to the content. At least 70% relevance is recommended.

Indexing page

Choose whether to allow Google and/or MSN to index your page and visit all other pages it links to. Select Other if you want to allow other search engines to do so.


The page description allows you to supply a synopsis at your website. It can also be displayed in search results, so describe your page to a suitable detail.

Enter a description of your page into the box provided.

Note: It is recommended that your description is between 150 and 250 characters long.


Keywords are intended to emphasize on selected terms and phrases (usually existing in your web page content). They can also be used for extending your web page content, by adding synonyms or words that do not appear on the page itself.

1. Enter keywords into the box provided.

2. Click "Use suggested" if you want to view and use the suggestion that the system provides you with.

Click " Undo suggested" if you do not want to use the suggested word(s).

3. Click "Save all changes" if you would like to save all changes you have made.

Click "Undo all changes" if you want to dismiss all the changes you have made.