MySQL Manager

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Database Manager is a web based MySQL client that allows you to create and manipulate MySQL databases.

Database Manager is used for creating databases. For populating a database, you should consider using a script(PHP, ColdFusion) or CGI.

You can find more information about MySQL database at:

Adding a Database User

To add a database user:

  1. In the Users and Databases list, click Add Database User.
  2. In the Add New Database Username dialog, enter the password for the new user name.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click Close.

Creating a New Database

To create a new database:

  1. In the Users and Databases list, click the user name for which you want to create a new database.
  2. In the Login Settings section, enter your password and click Login.
  3. In the MySQL Commands section, click Create.
  4. Click Database.
  5. Enter a database name.
  6. Click Build Query.
  7. Click Run Query.
    A dialog opens, displaying a list of pirvileges granted to the new database.

Your user name is appended to the end of every database name. The Total maximum length is 64 characters long and any "." (dot) or "-" (dash) in the database name is automatically converted to "_" (underscore).

     For example if you choose "customers" as your database name and your domain is, the complete database name will be:


Deleting a Database

To delete a database:

  1. In the Users and Databases list,click the red icon beside the database you want to delete.
  2. Click Apply
  3. Click Cancel if you do not want to delete the selected database.

Managing your Database

To change your password:

  1. In the Users and Databases list,click the user name of the database for which you want to change the password.
  2. Select the Yes, I want to change the password for the selected user checkbox.
  3. Enter a new password.
  4. Confirm the new password.
  5. Click Apply.

Note that this password is only for database administration.

To connect to your database:

  • To connect to the database you have created, you need the following arguments to include in your application/script:
    • Database user name: [first 10 characters of domain name] + [random 6-digit number]. example: if the domain name was "", then the databse username would be something like bobthemech386296. Note: that all non-alpha characters were removed ("." and "-").
    • Password: The password will be the same as your Database Manager password.
    • Database name: It will be the complete name of database as outlined in Creating a database.
    • Please contact technical support for your MySQL server name (host name).