Sitemap Builder

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A sitemap is a page that lists links to all the different pages in a Website. A sitemap page will help your visitors navigate within your Website. You can use this application to build/generate and publish your own sitemap page in HTML format.

Once your initial Sitemap page is generated, you can use the Publish button to upload it to your hosting server or the Rebuild button to update the existing Sitemap Page.

To launch Sitemap Builder:

  1. In the Start Services section, click Search Tools.
  2. On the Search Tools page, click Sitemap Builder.
  3. Use the Generate button to build your initial Sitemap Page.

Generate a Sitemap

The Generate sitemap section allows you to generate a first-time sitemap, or rebuild a previously generated sitemap. Once your sitemap is generated, this section displays the date and time of generation.

  1. If you want to use a www prefix, select the "use www prefix" checkbox.
  2. Click Generate sitemap.
  3. If you are updating an existing sitemap, click Rebuild.

Note: You can generate one Sitemap per day.

Publish a Sitemap

The Publish/rebuild Sitemap section allows you to preview and publish your sitemap. This section also displays the sitemap’s status information.

To preview your sitemap:

  1. Click Preview Sitemap.
  2. In the Preview dialog, select the Theme form the drop-down.
  3. Select the Font from the drop-down.

To publish your sitemap:

  • In the Preview dialog, click Publish Sitemap.