OsCommerce Templates

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osCommerce is an Open-Source-based online e-commerce solution that is available for free under the GNU General Public License. It features a rich set of out-of-the-box online shopping cart functionality that allows store owners to set up, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with no costs, fees, or limitations involved.

The osCommerce application will allow you to easily install and uninstall osCommerce on your domain. The application also provides an easy way to access your storefront and osCommerce's administration interface, which is used to configure or edit your store's selection of products.

Installing OS Commerce

To install osCommerce:

  1. Open the osCommerce installation application.
  2. Click install osCommerce.
  3. Select a template for your storefront. Clicking on a thumbnail from the list on the left will display a larger preview image to the right.When you have decided on a template, click Next.
  4. Fill out all required fields including username, password and owners name. Click Next. 
  5. Select a directory to install your store under.
    You will not be allowed to install your store in a directory which already contains data.
  6. To create a new directory or subdirectory to use, select an existing directory from the list, type a directory name in the text area provided, and click create directory.
  7. osCommerce needs to create a database in order to run. Enter a database password for the database that will be created.
  8. Enter a username and password for your administration directory.
    You will need to know this username and password in order to configure your osCommerce store.
  9. Click Next.
    Your store has been successfully installed.
  10. Click Next to go to osCommerce's administration interface to configure your store.
    You will be required to enter the administration login and password that you created in step 7 above.

Uninstalling OS Commerce

To uninstall osCommerce:

  1. Open the osCommerce installation application.
  2. In the window that opens, click uninstall osCommerce.
    WARNING: All of your store data will be permanently removed, even if you reinstall your osCommerce store at a later date.
  3. Click Next.
    osCommerce has now been uninstalled.

Go to OS Commerxce 

Once you have installed OS Commerce in order to visit your page you must select Go to OS Commerce. This will launch it in a new browser window. You will be able to view you store here. 

Manage  OS Commerce 

To mange your os Commerce account you will need your username and password. Here you will be able to manage your settings. 

For detailed information on configuring your store, please read the documentation provided by osCommerce.

<a _fcknotitle="true" href="Category:Setup">Setup</a>