Protect Directories

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If you have the need to restrict parts of your website, the Website Security function allows you to set up an authorization list. This list will restrict browser access to specific website directories.

Access to restricted areas of the website can be granted with a username/password combination or by hostname/IP address.

Selecting a directory to secure

To secure a directory, select the directory from the drop-down menu on the Website Security page. The directory must exist before it can be secured.

Enable and disable directory security

Once a directory has been selected, you can enable or disable its security settings. Choose either enable or disable.

Restricting access with a password

To restrict access to a directory with a username/password combination, first check the "Restricting access by username and password" checkbox. You can enter a new user's username and password as well as the text for the secure login dialog box.

When all the options have been selected, click the "Apply" button to complete the operation.

Restricting access by hostname or IP address

You can restrict access to a directory by hostname or IP address. Before entering a hostname or IP address, ensure that the enable flag is set. To add a new site, enter the hostname in the site field.

When all the options have been selected, click the "Apply" button to complete the operation.