Keyword Density Analyzer

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This tool will analyze the density and distribution of the keywords inside your webpages. With the Keyword Density Analyzer tool you can:

1. Check the density of Keywords, 2 Word Phrases and 3 Word Phrases within the text content of your html webpages. The tool will show the number of times a given keyword is found within the content of your webpage along with the respective percentage.

2. Change the Search Filter by specifying which words should be omitted by the report.


1. Enter a number representing the number word characters in order to ignore short words in length less than the number you decide to enter.

2. Enter a number representing the minimum occurrences of the words that are being search for.

3. Select a language from the drop-down menu. This language represents the language in which the search will be performed.

4. Select a document encoding from the drop-down menu.

5. If you want to use the default list of stop words (words which should not be counted) click on the check box to enable this feature. Click on “default stopwords list” link to see a list of stop words.

6. Check off the respective radio button if you wish to include custom stop words and enter the words in the text box provided on the same page.

7. Check off the respective radio button if you wish to exclude custom stop words and enter the words in the text box provided on the same page.

8. Click “Accept” to save all the changes you made.

• Click “Reset” to reset all settings to their defaults.

• Click “Cancel” to dismiss changes you made.

Analyze Keyword Density

In this section you will be able to see the results of keyword density analysis. This tool checks the density of keywords, 2 word phrases and 3 word phrases within the text content of your html webpages. Using this tool you can view keyword density for the whole website or particular web page. In order to select a web page you wish to analyze, click on this page in Website Structure.