Reputation Manager

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ReputationManager allows you to monitor and manage the online reviews of your business. You can monitor your business’ mentions and reviews throughout the different social media sites, as well as gain visibility into which sites are listing your business. This visibility allows you to manage the accuracy of your company information, as well as managing the feedback provided by customers.

Getting Started

  1. Open WebsiteOS.
  2. Select Website Management, and then select Reputation Manager.
  3. Click Start.

Reputation Manager opens in a new window.


The Main Menu remains static throughout all of ReputationManager and you will be able to navigate to whichever section you wish by clicking on the menu options.

Main Menu

Located on the top right corner, the Main Menu consists of the following options:

  • Overview - A view into your businesses online presence.
  • Mentions - Provides a view into the various social networks, directories and other online entities that mention your business name
  • Reviews - Provide a list of reviews and ratings that people are giving to your business within social networks, directories and other online entities.
  • Visibility - Provides insight into which sites, directories and other online entities have your business listed, what information is available about your business on these sites and also allows you to see what information about your business is incorrect or missing like your business phone number.


Located at the top right corner, the sub-menu provides the following options:

  • Support - Opens the online help file system for ReputationManager.
  • Feedback - Opens a form, which allows you to submit your comments/suggestions.


The ReputationManager Overview page provides a view into your online presence. You can see the number of mentions your business has received, as well as the amount of times your business was mentioned in the following social media sites:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google Buzz

This page also provides the number of reviews your business has received and what the most popular tags were.


The Reputation section displays the number of mentions your business has received and a breakdown of how well your business was rated.


This Mentions section displays the amount of times your business has been mentioned on four of the top social media sites. You can launch any of the social media sites by clicking on its icon.


The Reviews section displays the number of 5-star rating that your business has received.

Popular Tags

The Popular Tags section displays a list of the most commonly used tags throughout your Website. The tags also provide a link to the page where the tag was placed.


The Mentions page provides a view into the social media networks and directories that mention your business. This page provides a quick-view of the number of mentions broken down by social media site. You can also search for specific keywords across all social media sites or search a specific network – Facebook, for example.

Top Mentions

The Top Mentions section provides a quick view of the number of mentions that your business has received in each of the social media sites.

Search Mentions

The Search Mentions section allows you to search keywords for all social media sites that have mentioned your business, or you can search a specific site. The search drop-down only provides a list of sites that have mentioned your business. The search results are displayed at the bottom of the page and are accompanied by their site’s logo. Each entry displays the text entered on the social media site, the author and date and time it was written.

To search for a reference:

  1. Select the social media site that you want to search from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter the reference in the text field.
  3. Click Search.

Popular Mentions

The Popular Mentions section displays a list of the most popular tags used in all of the social media sites. This section does not distinguish the origin of the site or the number of times it was listed.


The Reviews page provides a list of star ratings, reviews per social media site and the ability to search sites for specific reviews. Clicking on one of the star-ratings displays the information for that numerical rating in the dialog below.

Star Ratings

The Star ratings section displays the amount of times that your business has received a star-rating. The maximum rating your business can receive is a 5-star rating.

Search Listings

The Search Listings section allows you to search social media sites for reviews. You can also filter your search based on a specific site or by rating type.

To search for a reference:

  1. Select the social media site that you want to search from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the star-rating from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the reference in the text field.
  4. Click Search.


The Visibility page provides insight into which sites, directories and other online entities have your business listed, what information is available about your business on these sites and also allows you to see what information about your business is incorrect or missing.


The Search section allows you to search the different social media sites for listings about your business. You can also filter your search to include only Good or Bad reviews.

To search for a reference:

  1. Select the social media site that you want to search from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the reference-type from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Search.